Past Events
[2015]Presentaions for 2015 CAFUPF Forum,GCHERA Forum
- Oct 12, 2015

AM September 20, 2015920日上午)

1.    KE Bingsheng, President of China Agricultural University, China, Higher Education in Agriculture: Mission, opportunity and innovation



2.    Helene DILLARD, Dean of College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of California, Davis, U.S.A.,  THE ROAD TO SUCCESS: The Experience of UC Davis in the Higher Education of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences

Helene Roberts DILLARD,美国加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校,农业与环境学院院长,成功之路:加州大学戴维斯分校农业、生命与环境科学高等教育的经验


3.    YANG Chuanping, President of Northeast Forestry University, China, To Build World-class Disciplines Depends on Developing Related Forestry Subjects



4.    Max PFEFFER, Senior Associate Dean of College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, U.S.A., Education and Innovation in Agricultural Sciences: Global Leadership to Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century

Max J. PFEFFER, 美国康奈尔大学,农业与生命科学学院副院长,农业科学的教育与创新:适应21世纪变化的全球化领导


5.    DONG Weichun,  Vice-President, Nanjing Agricultural University, China, Chinese Agriculture Higher Education in Transformation: Tradition, Structure, and Missions



6.    R.Paul SINGH, the 2015 GCHERA WAP Laureate, Innovation in Teaching - Challenges and Opportunities

R. Paul Singh, 2015年世界农业奖获奖者, “教学创新——机遇与挑战


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PM September 20, 2015920日下午)

1.    Sanchai JATURASITHA, Associate Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, Chances and Challenges for World Class University: Case of Chiang Mai University especially Faculty of Agriculture

Sanchai JATURASITHA,泰国清迈大学农学院副院长,世界级大学的机遇与挑战:以清迈大学特别是农学院为例


2.    YE Chunhai, President, Guangdong Ocean University, China,  Adhere to Three Orientation, Striving for Excellence Discipline, and Strive to Build a High Level Ocean University



3.    Hiroshi MATSUMOTO, Provost, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan, Outline of University of Tsukuba and its Action for Globalization

Hiroshi MATSUMOTO,日本筑波大学生命与环境学院教务长,“筑波大学简介及其全球化活动


4.    SONG Weiming, President of Beijing Forestry University, China,  Integrated Government, Industry, University, and Market to Improve Innovation Ability of Agriculture and Forestry Universities



5.    Paul VLEK, 2014 GCHERA World Agriculture Prize Laureate, University of Bonn, Germany, Learning to Look Beyond Boundaries

Paul VLEK, 德国波恩大学教授,第二届GCHERA世界农业奖得主,学会跳出界限思考


6.    CHEN Xiaoyang, President, South China Agricultural University, China,  Thinking on Construction of Local High Level University



7.    James KUNG’U, Dean, School of Environmental Sciences, Kenyatta University, Kenya,  Overcoming the Challenges of Training Leaders in East and Central Africa Tertiary Agricultural Institutions for the 21st Century

James B KUNG’U, 肯尼亚肯雅塔大学,环境科学学院院长非洲中东部高等农业机构在培养21世纪农业领袖时需要克服的挑战


8.    QIN Guixin,  President, Jilin Agricultural University, China, Promoting Education Internationalization, Building Pluralistic University Culture



9.    Carl LARSEN, Freelance Consultant, World Bank , Producing Graduates who Lead Agricultural Development in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities

Carl LARSEN, 世界银行特约顾问培养引领非洲农业发展的毕业生:机遇与挑战


10. FU Shaohui,  President, Hunan Agricultural University, China, Promoting Comprehensive Reform of Agriculture and Forestry Universities  by Construction of Status, Using Ideas and Methods of Law



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AM September 21, 2015


1.    FENG Chaonian, Chancellor, Nanjing Forestry University , China, Strategy Study on Characteristic Development of Agriculture and Forestry University: Case Study on Nanjing Forestry University



2.    CHEN Jinyin, Deputy Chancellor, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Promoting  Teaching through Scientific Researches, and Enhancing Students' Practical Abilities



3.    WANG Duchun,  Provost, Office of Teaching Affairs, Northeast Agricultural University, Improving  Quality through  Innovative Transformations, to Promote the Construction of High-Level Agricultural University



4.    ZHAO Chunming,  President, Shanxi Agricultural University, Reflections on the Practices of students’ entrepreneurship in Shanxi Agricultural University



5.    HUANG Jianye,  Vice-President, Yangzhou University,  Exploring Practices to  Optimize the Development Model for Outstanding Agroforestry Talents in  Local Comprehensive Universities



6.    ZHAO Degang,  Vice-President of Guizhou University, Innovation Education of Graduate and Agriculture and Forestry Disciplines in Guizhou University



7.    DU Fengguo,   Dean, College of Forestry, Beihua University, Researches and Practices in The Collaborative Development Model  for Forestry-Majored  Undergraduates in  Beihua University



8.    FENG Yongping, Director, Department of Development and Planning, Huazhong Agricultural University, Enhancing innovation competencies of agricultural higher education institutions through reforms and innovations



9.    WEI Yinong,  Deputy Dean, College of Agriculture, Shihezi University, Innovations in Agricultural Education in Response to the Challenges of the 21st Century



10. SHEN Yuying, Deputy Dean, School of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Trends of the Talent Training System for Professionals in Pratacultural Science



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The Presentation for GCHERA Forum on September 212015



1.    Jose ZAGLUL, Daniel SHERRARD, Earth University, Costa Rica, From Discussion to Action – A Change Agenda for Higher Education in Agriculture

Jose ZAGLUL, Daniel SHERRARD and Philippe CHOQUET, 艾斯大学从讨论到行动——农业高等教育变革议程


2.    Carolyn GLYNN, Association for European Life Science Universities & Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU-Agrinatura-ICA-GCHERA, Integrating levels of dedication

Carolyn GLYNN, 欧洲生命科学大学联合会&瑞典农业科学大学,SLU-Agrinatura-ICA-GCHERA多层一体化


3.    Arjen WALS, Wageningen University, the Netherlands, Developing Sustainability Competence and 21st Century Capacities through Transformative Agricultural Education

Arjen WALS, 荷兰瓦赫宁根大学通过农业教育改革培养可持续发展力和21世纪所需能力

Presentations from the GCHERA Member Associations

4.    Enrico SUPANGCO, Asian Association of Agricultural Colleges and Universities (AAACU) , Strengthening University-Industry Partnerships: The Case of the UPLB College of Agriculture Satellite Campus in Mindanao, Philippines

Enrico SUPANGCO,亚洲农业院校协会(AAACU)加强大学与行业合作:以菲律宾UPLB农学院棉兰老岛分校为例


5.    Fernando Cezar JULIATTI, Brazilian Association for Higher Agricultural Education (ABEAS) , Fifty five years for improving the Curricula for the Superior Education and innovation approaches to Brazilian Agricultural development

Fernando Cezar JULIATTI,巴西高等农业教育协会 (ABEAS)“55年巴西农业发展创新途径及高等教育课程改革介绍




1. Richard HARPER, Australian Council of Deans of Agriculture (ACDA), Recent trends in Australian tertiary agricultural science education

Richard HARPER, 澳洲农学院长协会 (ACDA)澳洲农业科学高等教育近期趋势


2. Bing SI, Association of Canadian Faculties of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (ACFAVM), Association of Canadian Faculties of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (ACFAVM)

Bing SI, 加拿大农业和兽医学院协会 (ACFAVM) 加拿大农业和兽医学院协会介绍


3. Elgasim Ali ELGASIM, Society of Arab Colleges of Agriculture (SACA), Standard Reference Academic Benchmarks for Higher Educational Programs Compatible in the Arab Colleges of Agriculture

Elgasim Ali ELGASIM,阿拉伯农业院校学会 (SACA)利用标准参考学术基准使得阿拉伯农业院校间的高等教育方案相容


4. David ACKER, Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU) , Curriculum Reform and Innovation in U.S. Colleges of Agriculture, Food and Related Sciences

David ACKER,美国公立与赠地大学协会(APLU)美国农业、食品及相关科学院校的课程改革及创新


5.    Alim PULATOV, Central Asia and South Caucasus Consortium of Agricultural Universities for Development (CASCADE), Central Asia and South caucasus Consortium of Agricultural universities for DEvelopment  (CASCADE) 

Alim PULATOV,中亚和()高加索地区农业大学发展协作会(CASCADE)中亚和()高加索地区农业大学发展协作会介绍


6.    Nabil Nemer, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (HSUK), Insights Inside the Lebanese Agriculture

Nabil Nemer,黎巴嫩卡斯里克圣灵大学黎巴嫩农业发展思考


7.    LIU Zhimin, (Education Professional Committee (EPC), of the Chinese Association of Agricultural Science Societies (CAASS) (EPC of CAASS)), The Reforms and Innovations in Constructing the Curriculum System of Chinese Agro-related Universities

刘志民,中国农学会教育专业委员会(EPC of CAASS)中国农业高校课程体系建设与改革创新


8.    Riksh Pal SINGH, Indian Agricultural Universities Association  (IAUA), History and Present Status in Course Curricula Reforms in Indian Agricultural Universities: Attracting Students for Job Opportunities and Entrepreneurship

Riksh Pal SINGH,印度农业大学联合会(IAUA)印度农业大学课程改革历史及现状:以就业机会和创业精神吸引学生


9.  Simon HEATH, Association for European Life Science Universities (ICA), Issues in Curriculum Development in Europe

Simon HEATH,欧洲生命科学大学联合会 (ICA)欧洲课程体系发展问题分析


10. Moses OSIRU, Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), Innovations in postgraduate curriculum development: The Case of RUFORUM

Moses OSIRU,农业能力建设区域性大学论坛 (RUFORUM)研究生课程发展与创新,以RUFORUM为例


11. Maggi LININGTON, South African Agriculture and Life Sciences Deans Association (SAALSDA), Agricultural education in South Africa

Maggi LININGTON,南非农业及生命科学校长协会 (SAALSDA)南非农业教育


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