GCHERA World Dialogue 2013 was held on Oct.20-21 in Nanjing, China
- Oct 26, 2013

By Liu Zhimin, Liu Xiaoguang and Huang Weihai

GCHERA World Dialogue” Education and Innovation in Agricultural and Life Sciences: Universities as Entrepreneurs for Sustainable Rural Development” was held in Nanjing Agricultural University on the afternoon of October20,2013. Six keynote speakers presented their speech around this topic.

Discussion in GCHERA World Dialogue

Both Philippe CHOQUET (President of Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais, France) & SUN Qixin (President of Northwest A & F University, China) co-chaired the World Dialogue.


Philippe CHOQUET (right) & SUN Qixin (left) co-chairing the GCHERA World Dialogue 2013 

William Lacy (from University of California Davis, United States of America) had a discussion on “U.S. Agricultural Universities as Innovators and Entrepreneurs: Strategies and Challenges”.


William Lacy, University of California Davis, USA  

John Kennelly (from Alberta University, Canada) introduced “Fostering and Promoting Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Canadian Agri Food System - University of Alberta as a Solution Provider”.


 John Kennelly, Alberta University, Canada 

SHEN Qirong(from Nanjing Agricultural University, China) illustrated “Helping graduates obtain more creativity and entrepreneurial skills by collaborative innovation between university and company”.


SHEN Qirong, Nanjing Agricultural University, China 

Kurt Nielsen ( from Aarhus University, Denmark) introduced” Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Agricultural Development - the Danish Model”.


Kurt Nielsen, Aarhus University, Denmark 

Mark Adams (from University of Sydney, Australia) suggested “The Energy-Water-Food Nexus: Meeting the Challenge via Collaboration”.


Mark Adams, University of Sydney, Australia 

Robert Anderson(from Massey University, New Zealand) provided “Positioning Agricultural Universities for the 21st Century – A Case Study from Massey University”.


Robert Anderson, Massey University, New Zealand


 Download: Video of GCHERA World Dialogue

1 . GCHERA World Dialogue Part 1.avi  

2. GCHERA World Dialogue  Part 2.avi


Acknowledge: All the pictures are provided by News Agency of NAU

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